Data for 2026 SciVis Contest

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ECCO LLC4320 Data

Overview: This page provides access to hourly data from the Estimating the Circulation and Climate of the Ocean (ECCO, Project's 1/48° Massachusetts Institute of Technology general circulation model (MITgcm, simulation, a 14-month global simulation of the ocean (September 2011 to November 2012) that resolves internal tides and admits submesoscale and internal-gravity-wave variability.



Variables: The dataset includes various oceanographic variables, each available at 90 different depth levels. These depths represent model layers from the sea surface down to deeper ocean levels. Select the level below to get its corresponding depth from the sea surface in meters:

The depths are distributed to capture surface processes more finely while still representing the deeper ocean layers, ensuring both near-surface and deep ocean dynamics are well resolved.

Field Name Data Type Unit Standard Name Shape Dimensions
u float32 m s-1 Sea-surface east-west velocity (17280, 12960, 90) Latitude, Longitude, Depth
v float32 m s-1 Sea-surface north-south velocity (17280, 12960, 90) Latitude, Longitude, Depth
w float32 m s-1 Sea-surface vertical velocity (17280, 12960, 90) Latitude, Longitude, Depth
theta float32 °C Sea-surface Temperature (17280, 12960, 90) Latitude, Longitude, Depth
salt float32 g kg-1 Sea Water Salinity (17280, 12960, 90) Latitude, Longitude, Depth

Resolution: 1/48° horizontal grid (~2 km), 90 vertical levels

How to Access: Access via ECCO Data Portal

Jupyter Notebook

Use the ECCO LLC4320 Jupyter Notebook for interactive exploration and analysis of the dataset.